Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fun activities to do when visiting....

The Model Guest Behaviour!

Mom & Dad-J have been here for their annual visit and once the shock of rural living L, T & co. wore off I think they like our new environs.

Now that's not to say we didn't make a couple day sojourn at our place in Paris so Dad-J could amble a few hundred blocks in his favourite haunts and Mom-J could ooh/ah window shopping & generously pass a day volunteering with me at a Paris program for newly landed anglos called 'Bloom Where You're Planted'--a very helpful two day orientation program for a crowd of people all very much resembling deer in the headlights as they try to sort the overwhelming amount of helpful information on living in Paris.

However, back at the house....

Dad-J came early--he is a man of leisure now in his retirement years and how great that he likes to spend free time...working!! So our abundantly growing bushes were given a proper trim back...the voraciously growing bamboo was taught a lesson--that or Dad-J is secretly thinking of starting a 12ft fishing pole selling business!...

Don't think we're entirely slave drivers...he was allowed down time, but even that was work...his new nickname is 'The Arm' as rapidly growing Josie chose the crook of his arm for naps heavily accented with the loud sound of her purring engine! Dad-J, the owner of five cats himself, declared her a weird cat because she seems to take the lead from her big dog-sister Freya and dig, beg and exhibit other funny behaviours!

So, just a word of warning to those of you contemplating a tranquil visit to our little piece of heaven....we are the proud new owners of a hatchet, axe & fully tuned chainsaw....and a lot of trees piled up that need cutting, splitting and piling!

Come visit...henh henh henh...

***I should note we reward in good wine, big fires & good eats! ***

1 comment:

scargosun said...

The rewards FAR outweigh the sacrifices. :) My hook or by crook, I will get there.