So, we're St. Lucia bound...after more paper chasing, late night gathering and sending of information for the house, we're riding out the waiting game on a holiday planned long before la maison was a twinkle in our eye. It actually is good timing, a chance to catch our breath and plan

out the next month or two....a chance to find a bit of humour and blow off any stress that may have crept in....see here as T begins to 'shut off' from work and find his humour at the airport-->
The last couple of days have been manic, getting Delfia & Freya ready for their respective 'holidays', packing for the move, packing for the trip, working, and lastly finalizing the rental of our pied-a-terre here in Paris. More on that exciting detail later,

but we were able to follow the signs with a lighter heart and more open mind, pondering the possibilites....normally I would plan to plan during the nine hour flight, but in this case, after several late nights, I knew the flight would pass quickly as I

snoozed away! T however was giddy with the glee at the upcoming R& is clearly witnessed in the photo to your right....
Just before we boarded I glanced out the porthole window to this picture of gray gloom....and so my spirits began to lift at the upcoming sun and company of family.

We settled into our seats, and the long journey ahead popped up on our screens...uggh the pain of seeing time pass before your eyes in one red blip after another....well, time to get comfortable and sleep the journey away!

So, for the next week or so, French Fatum will be coming to you from the sunny isle 'o St. Lucia as the M-clan catch up. For those of you only tuning in for house information, check back in a week, as other then some outstanding updates I am going to take the time to catch up on, I'll be posting the ugly photos of our sejour in the sun.....I mean if you can't torture your family and friends in person ....ha, see you on the ground!
Between you in St. Lucia, Mom and soon sister in Anguilla...I am GREEN with envy. At least it is a good color for St. Patty's day. Looking fwd to the pics. BTW, that pic of T in the little car is priceless. Can you send me a copy?
Have a drink 'o d Irish for me...I can't even begin to tell you how many ppl looked at us when I tried to take that pic, was laughing so freaking're right, it is priceless, will forward on, everyone needs those good laugh files! :) L
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